Stupid Punts!

Stupid Punts!


Examples of the "Nigerian scam" that flood my email box everyday.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Advice to scammers, don't send scam emails written in French to native English speakers.


Bonjour Mon Cher,

Mon nom est Aicha Khalil, Je suis une femme de nationalité algérienne vivante en irak.Je suis à la recherche d'une personne capable de m'aimer et de vivre avec moi. Vraiment une amitié basée sur le respect mutuelle et une confiance totale. Car une vie de couple sans le respect et la confiance ne mène nulle part. Je suis une femme indépendante et tendre et tout ce que je voulais obtenir de ma carrière est atteinte. Maintenant je désire le calme, la chaleur et la constance. J’ai appris à garder l’essentiel et pardonner la bagatelle. Je veux rencontrer un homme fort avec les yeux bons et un grand coeur.

Je suis dans ce pays depuis très longtemps et j’étais au service de madame Aquila Al-Hashimi. J’avais pour rôle de veiller sur le bon fonctionnement de sa résidence à l’ouest de Bagdad et de m’occuper de tout ce qui est comme factures et charges a régler. J’étais en quelque sorte le majordome et j’avais connaissance de toutes les affaires de ma maîtresse. Docteur Aquila Al-Hashimi était conseillère du Vice-ministre Tariq Azis sous le régime de Saddam Hussein et plus tard responsable de la coopération du ministère des affaires étrangères auprès de l'ONU au sujet du programme huile contre nourriture .Elle naquit en 1963 et mourut le 25 septembre 2003 .Elle avait émergée comme principale actrice politique auprès des figures du conseil politique irakien au sujet de la politique étrangère et devrait être nommé ambassadrice de l'Irak auprès de l'O.N.U compte tenu de sa rigueur et de son aptitude lorsqu'il s'agissait du travail. Elle fut grièvement blessée par des balles lorsqu'elle était en dehors de sa maison par des assaillants inconnus parce qu'elle était en préparation de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies qui s'était ouverte le mardi a New York et mourut cinq jours plus tard des suites de ses blessures .

Lorsqu’elle était a l’hôpital, je m’occupais d’elle car elle était devenue comme une mère pour moi avant qu’elle ne meurt , elle m’a fait savoir qu’elle avait déposé une malle qui contenait de l’argent plus précisément la somme de 14 millions de dollars américain dans une compagnie diplomatique et que les documents justificatifs de ce bien se trouvaient dans son placard a la maison. Cependant, elle m’a demandé de récupérer ce certificat afin de pouvoir retirer ce bien au vue de toutes ces années de service et de loyauté que j’ai consentis auprès d’elle. Des que je suis arrivé a la maison j’ai pu constaté que le certificat de dépôt ne portait aucun nom de bénéficiaire car elle avait mis comme mention : ’’partenaire étranger’’ donc j’ai vu ce privilège comme une grâce d’ALLAH et ainsi une occasion pour moi de sortir de l’Irak. J’ai donc décidé de garder tous ces papiers pour moi. Dès lors j’ai décide d’écrire a la compagnie pour avoir une confirmation sur l’existence de ce bien et ils m’ont confirmé la présence d’une malle au sein de leur compagnie mais compte tenu de la situation ici ils ont transféré tous les biens de leurs clients pour des raisons de sécurité dans leur base dans un pays en Afrique de l’ouest nommé République de Côte d’Ivoire. Compte tenu du fait que la vie est devenue dure pour moi depuis sa mort et aussi avec les problèmes que j’ai avec sa famille, il m’est difficile de récupérer ce bien toute seule.

C’est donc ainsi que j’ai décidé de solliciter votre aide afin que vous puissiez m’aider a récupérer ce colis car tous les papiers concernant cette affaire sont avec moi et je peux vous les faire parvenir afin que vous vous présentez comme étant l’associé de ma maîtresse auprès de la compagnie et pour votre aide j’accepte de vous donner 40% sur la somme totale de $14.000.000 américain .Je voulais aussi vous signifiez qu’il n’y a aucun risque dans cette affaire et qu’elle est garantie a 100%.Veuillez m’écrire urgemment a mon adresse .
NB : Vous devez comprendre que cette transaction doit être gardée entre vous et moi comme un secret.
Mon téléphone et mes mouvements sont surveillés. Par conséquent cette transaction a besoin de discrétion de mon côté.
Veuillez s'il vous plait me repondre à cette boîte électronique : ( )
Merci et qu’ ALLAH vous bénisse de toutes ses grâces

Mme Khalil Mona

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This scam really takes the biscuit.

The scammer who sent me this would have me believe that he is part of the UN and is offering me compensation for being scammed by scammers!

An industry spawning its own industry.

He should also learn to spell.

Dear oh dear, how stupid do these scumbags think I am?

REF/PAYMENTS CODE: ECB/06654 $100,000 USD.

This is to bring to your notice that we are delegated from the UNITED NATIONS in Central Bank to pay 150 victims of scam $100,000 USD (One Hundred Thousand Dollars) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the scammed victims to be paid this amount, get back to this office as soon as possible for the immediate payments of your $100,000 USD compensations funds. On this faithful recommendations, want you to know that during the last U.N. meetings held at Abuja, Nigeria, it was alarming on the money lost by various individuals to the scams artists operating in syndicates all over the world today.

In other to compensate victims, the UNITED NATIONS Body is now paying 150 victims $100,000 USD each in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS recommendations. Due to the corrupt and inefficient Banking Systems in Nigeria, the payments are to be paid by Central Bank Nigeria as corresponding paying bank under funding assistance by The Rabo Bank, based in London UK. for funds remittance. Benefactor of this compensation will have to be first cleared and recommended for payment by ECO BANK PLC. According to the number of applicants at hand, 114 Beneficiaries has been paid, over a half of the victims are from the United States, we still have a pending of 36 compensations left to be paid.

Your particulars was mentioned by one of the Syndicates who was arrested as one of their victims of the operations, you are hereby warned not to communicate or duplicate this message to him for any reason what so ever as the U.S. secret service is already on trace of the other criminals. So keep it secret till they are all apprehended. Other victims who have not been contacted can submit their application as well for scrutiny and possible consideration.

You can receive your compensations payments via any of this options you Choose, DRAFT/CHEQUE PAYMENTS or DIRECT WIRE TRANSFER.

We shall feed you with further modalities as soon as we get response from you. Send a copy of your response to official email:
Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Joan Udoh

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

This twat can't even be bothered to make up a name for his lottery. He has also neglected to proof read this pile of shite:

"In other to claim..."!

You would have thought that the lack of name would give people a clue as to the fact that this is a scam; unfortunately, there are many gullible people in the world who continue to be conned by these scumbags.

Esteemed Winner,

Your email address just won the sum of five hundred thousand pounds sterling in our lottery programme.

In other to claim, you are advised to fill the payment verification form below : 1.NAMES :...........................................
2.RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS:...........................................
3.E-MAIL :...........................................
4.TELEPHONE NUMBER:...........................................
5.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY/INDIVIDUAL:...........................................
6.AMOUNT WON::...........................................

Once the form is filled, you are to contact the claims office for proper verification of your claim via the email address below :

Claims Departmental Head : Mr. Jake Lewis

Email :

Congratulations on your winning.

Sincerely your's

Mr. Greg Smith

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The improbably named Wilfred Enrique informs me that I have won a fake Spanish lottery.

How kind of him!

Paseo De La castellana 12, 3A
28821 Madrid Spain.

Dear Winner

We wish to congratulate you over your email success in our computer
balloting sweepstake Lottery held August 20, 2007 of the Loteria
Nacional La Primitiva promotions program with Lucky Numbers
"4-21-23-26-43-44" which consequently won in the 2nd category. This is Millennium Scientific Computer Game in which email addresses were used.

It is a promotional program aimed at encouraging internet users;
Therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. You have
been approve for the star prize of ( ? 1,000 000:00 ) One Million
Euros Only .

To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed claim
agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings
with the following information?s below:

Your Full Name:..............................
Home And Office Telephone Numbers:...........
Mobile Telephone Number:....................
Contact Address:..................................
Marital Status.........................
Fax Number:..................................
Amount won:.................................
Winning email address:....................

Reference Numbers: ES/007/05/12/MAD
Batch Numbers: SP-9059-2007
Lucky Numbers: 4-21-23-26-43-44
Serial Numbers: LN/102/SP

Consequently, You are required to quote your winning information in
all your correspondence emails with your claim agent. We hope with
part of your winning, you will take part in our next year Thirty
Million Euros lnternational lottery.

To file for your claim, Please contact Loteria claim Department
Manchester/ United Kingdom for Overseas Lottery Winners with
informations below:

Claim Agent: Sanchez Eduardo.
CITY/COUNTRY: Manchester/England
PHONE:+44 7011 128 823
FAX: +44 8712 392 112

For due processing and remittance of your prize money to designated
account of your choice. Please note that your lucky winning number
falls within our European booklet representative office in Europe as
indicated in your play coupon. In view of this, your ? 1,000,000
(One Million Euro) would be released to you by any of our payment
offices in Europe.

Once again congratulations!!!

Yours Sincerely,

Wilfred Enrique
Lottery Director.
Note: You are advised to keep this winning very confidential until you

receive your lump prize. This is a protective measure put in place to
avoid people applying for your winnig fund as we have had cases like
this before.

Monday, August 27, 2007

This scammer tells me that I have won the "free British Web Lottery", there is of course no such thing.

12 Whitehall ,
London SW1A 2DY,
United Kingdom.
25th August 2007.
Dear Recipient
We congratulate you over your email success in our FREE BRITISH WEBLOTTERY computer balloting held on 23th August, 2007. This is aMillennium Scientific Computer Game in which email addresses were used. It isour promotional lottery program aimed at encouraging internet users;therefore you do not need to buy ticket to enter for it. You have beenapproved for the star prize of 1,006.168 GBP(One million six thousand onehundred and sixty-eight Pound Sterling)

To claim your winning prize you are to contact the appointed agent assoon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings: Ticket no: 025-1146-1992-750Serial no:2113-05Lucky no: 13-15-22-37-39-43REF NO:BRLFGP2551256/03Amount won: £1,006,168.00

You are to contact: Mr. Richard Parker


Tel: + 44 7045742804

You must contact the appointed agent with your Full Names, ContactTelephone Numbers (Home, Office and Mobile Number and also Fax Number) viaemail to process the immediate payment of your prize. The Validity period of the winnings is for 30 working days hence you are expected tomake your claims immediately. Once again congratulations!!!


Mr. George Scherrer

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good grief!

How many times am I going to "win" the Microsoft lottery?

The scammer who put together this pile of shite would be advised, in future, to use a spell checker before sending it on to his victims.

Microsoft Corporation
1 Microsoft Way
United Kingdom.
Batch #: 409978E
Ref#: BTD/968/07
This email is to inform you that you emerged a winner with a consulation prize of the Microsoft Corporation EMAIL DRAW 2007.The selections was made through a computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers.Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to a ticket number: 008795727498 with serial numbers: BTD/9080648302/07 which subsequently won you £1,000,000.00 {One Million Great BritishPounds}.

Your prize cheque has been vaulted safely with our corresponding Bank prior to your readiness to complete your claims and would be presented to you after verification of the data requested below

Please complete the form below with correct information and contact your assigned claims agent Mr Godwyn Peters via telephone or email so thathecan have a precise and comprehensive record of our winners.

To proceed with your claims, you would be required to fill theVerification Form below completely and send it to Mr Godwyn Peters immediately.
(2)NATIONALITY .............
(3)RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS .............................
(4)DATE OF BIRTH......
(5)SEX .............
(7)TEL.NUMBER ..........
(9)BATCH # ..........
You are advised to contact Mr Godwyn Peters within 24 hours via thecontact telephon and email address Mr.Godwyn Peters
Congratulations once again from the entire staff of the Microsoft Award Team. MR.Godwyn Peters

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Badly written, badly researched; a child of 10 could tell you that this is a scam.

Regrettably there are adults in the world who fall for this, and others like it.

I am a business consultant in West African
One of my clients is interested in investing
in your country and he is interested in investing
with your company .
kindly forward all your companys profile to me
for immediate decision on how the investment funds
will be handed over to you.
Total amount to be invested=
$25,000,000,00.usd............Cash investment
Immediately I receives your details, I will inform
you the next step for the release of the investment
Anticipating your immediate reply.coutant me in my private E-mail

Best regard
Dr.Emeka Okon

Friday, August 24, 2007

I don't know about other people, but I kind of get a bit pissed off when a stranger addresses me as "dear" in an email; most especially when the author of the email is a scammer.

Dear Good Friend,

How are you today dear?

I decided to write you because I have no other alternative. Since the death of my father in the hands of the bad government of my country Darfur in Sudan in East Africa. It has been very difficult for me on how to safeguard box money my late father left for me with Private Storage Company in Canada, before his death. My late father packaged this money inside a box as family artifact.

So right now we are in Spain as an asylum seeker, and we are facing a heavy financier problem. Therefore, I want you to be my partner and to act as the new beneficiary on my behalf and claim the box of money. I will give you 30% of the total money.

So if you are interested please reply me with your full name and your telephone number so that I can give you more details.


James George. Tel: +34 600 374 412.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Be warned, the fake Microsoft lottery scam is doing the rounds again.

Microsoft Award Team
20 Craven Park, Harlesden
London NW10
United Kingdom
Ref: BTD/968/05
Batch: 409978E

Dear Winner,
The prestigious Microsoft and aol?has set out and successfully organised a Sweepstakes marking 2007 anniversary we rolled out over ?00.000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds) for ourear Anniversary Draws. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage.
The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalised email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this, you will regret it later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 008795727498 with serial numbers BTD/9080648302/06 and drew the lucky, numbers 14-21-25-39-40-47(20) which subsequently won you ?00,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds)?as one of the 10 jackpot winners in this draw. You have therefore won the entire winning sum of ?00,000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds).
The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Brockley, London United Kingdom on the 15th AUGUST?007. These Draws are commemorative and as such special.
Please be informed by this winning notification, to file your claims, you are to make contact with your designated agent who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your prize. To file for your claim Please Contact your fiduciary agent,
Mr.ark Jones
Microsoft Promotion Award Team

You are advised to contact your fiduciary agent with the following details to avoid unnecessary delays and complications: Your Name (in Full), Country, Ticket Numbers, Batch Number, Serial Number, Lucky Numbers as indicated in this winning Notification and Phone numbers. Thank you for being part of this promotional award program.
Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gates and his associates. We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune. Thank you for being part of our commemorative year Anniversary Draws.
Dr. Steve Jordan
Microsoft Promotion Team

Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and contains confidential and privileged information.?Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.

Friday, August 17, 2007

This illiterate scammer claims to be seeking a rep in the USA/Canada to help him with his company based in London.

This is of course a scam designed to trick people into revealing their bank details, and possibly to trick the unwary into money laundering.

One other thing, that the scammer has neglected, I am based in the UK not the USA/Canada!

Welcome to Cheap fabrics
Thames Court,
1 Victoria Street,
SL4 1YB.
Tel: +44-70457-28745

My name is David James and I own a company that sells textile and fabric material in London, I am looking for a representative in the United States Of America And Canada who will be working for me as a part time worker and i will be willing to pay 10% for every transaction, which wouldn't affect your present state of work, someone who would help me receive payments frommy customers in the states, I mean someone that is responsible and reliable, because the cost of coming to the state and getting paymentsis very expensive, I am working on setting up a branch in the state, so for now i need a representative in the United States Of America whowill be handling the payment aspect for my company.

These payments are in Money order or cashier's cheque and they wouldcome to you in your name if you are willing to assist as arepresentative, so all you need do is cash the money order deduct your percentage and western union Charges then wire the rest back. You are entitled to 10% commission for any transaction(that isfor any U.S POSTAL MONEY ORDERS or CASHIER's CHEQUE ETC ).

This transaction is risk free and legal from the American Government.

Please reply only if you will like to work from home part-timeand get paid weekly without leaving or it affecting your present job. Please get back to me with your Complete to my private
Residential Address:......................
Zip Code................
Telephone Number:..........................
MR David James
Director of Cheap fabrics.
Tel: +44-70457-28745

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I seem to have "won" the Microsoft lottery again, I have lost count of the number of times that I have "won" this fake lottery.

Yahoo/Msn lottery Balley,
Ihama House,
Har RoadSutton,
Greater London
SM1 4te,
United Kingdom.

This is to inform that you have won a prize money of Five hundredthousand,Great Britain Pound Sterlings(£500,000.00)for the month of August 2007 Lottery promotion which is organized by YAHOO/MSN LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE.

These are your identification numbers:
Batch number..........YM 09102XN
Reff number...........YM35447XN
Winning number........YM09788
You are therefore advised to contact the EVENTS AGENT MANAGER fordirectives of claims via email address below.
Mr. Dennis Anthony

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I seem to have not just won some money today, but also a BMW!

How lucky am I?

The only small problem with this is that it is of course a scam; there is no money and no BMW.

This makes you the proud owner of a brand new BMW 5 Series, M SportSaloon car and a cash prize of £850,000.00 GBP (Eight Hundred andFiftyThousand Great British pounds).
Serial number: BMWP/556543450906, Reference Number BMW:2551256003/23.
Mr. david Williams,
You are also advised to provide him with the under listed informationalong with your reply:
Claims Requirements:
1. Names in full: -----
2. Address: -----
3. Sex:------
4. Age: -----
5. Occupation: -------
6. Phone: ------
7.Country ofResidence: -------

Monday, August 13, 2007

Short and sweet, but it is still a scam.

Dear Lucky Winner
WINNING NOTIFICATION-------RefNo:BTD/976/06---Batch:401978G Microsoft Sweepstakes marking the (9th Aug 2007) Day yearanniversary,File winnings
To our claims agent: MR DONALD GRAY,
***Reply to this email only***

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Alluvial dust or not, this is still a scam!

Assalamalikom alsalam warahmatullah wa barakatuh

I am persuaded to reach you by faith believing that you will acceptthis offer in good faith. I am Miss. Mariama Shour, the daughter of Augustine Katumba Shour.

I am in the possession of 5.5 Million Euro which I want to invest in a lucrative business venture in yourcountry. This money is of no criminal origin as it was released from the alluvial gold dust sold During the war when my father the Governor of Boh Providence. I now want to move this money abroad and invest it in a profitable ventures as time is now ripe for such move.

What I ask of you is :

1.To assist me transfer this fund to any stable country abroad.

2.To Assist me invest this money in a profitable business venture in your country or any other suitable country where you have goodconnections.

3.To manage this fund in a profitable manner preferable a joint venture.

4.To help me relocate after the successful transfer of this fund toyour account.

I will give you 20% for your kind assistance to me. We shall discuss term and percentage. I will give you further details as soon as I hearfrom you.

Best wishes
Miss Mariama Shour

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I have won the lottery...except I haven't, because this is yet another scam.

The scammer claims to be British, but quite clearly the style of the flouncy prose is non British.

Poor effort!

Dear Esteemed Winner,
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the YAHOO! International Promotions Program held on the 1st of August 2007. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number 883734657492-5319 with serial number 7263-267, batch number 8254297137 drew the lucky numbers 14-22-28-37-40-44 which consequently won in the 1st category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of £500,000.00 (i.e Five Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds) in cash credited to file
To begin your claims therefore, you are advised as a matter of urgency, to contact the under listed licensed and accredited claims agent for the processing of your prize awards winning. Please contact your claims agent immediately, to begin your claims process:
44 Moorfields London EC2Y 9AL UNITED KINGDOM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Oh happy day!

The improbably named Serena Vlutglaan has writtne to me telling me the results of the "long awaited" STAATSLOTERIJ INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONAL PROGRAMS NL draw, and I have won. How lucky am I?

Such a shame that this is a scam which, incidentally, I have won many times before.

By the way can anyone tell me what "system(ess)" is/are?

*REF: STAT/234729609/K1.
*BATCH: STAX/269233/JK.
We are pleased to inform you of the release,of the long awaited results of the STAATSLOTERIJ INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONAL PROGRAMS NL held on 5th of August 2007.

Reference Number: STAT/234729609/K1,and Batch number BATCH:STAX/269233/JK Your email address attached to the ticket number:TK/4693659BV that drew the lucky winning number, which consequently won the loterij in the second category in four parts.

You have been approved for a payment of 1,000,000.00 Euro (ONE MILLION EURO) in cash credited to file reference number:HPL/4247159609/WP1.This is from a total cash prize of TEN MILLION EUROS Shared among the ten international winners that won the second categories. *Congratulations!!!

All participants were selected through our Microsoft computer ballot system(ess) drawn form 42,000 Names, 6,000 names from each continent,as part of International"E-MAIL"Promotions Program,for our prominent MS WORD user all over the world,and for the Continues use of E-mail.

Due to mix up of some names and addresses,we ask that you keep this award personal,till your claims have been processed and your funds remitted to you.This is part of our security measures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of the situation by other participants or impersonators.

To begin your claim,do file for the release of your winning by contacting our accredited agent:
Mr.Paul Magua.Foreign Transfer Manager.(STAATSLOTERIJ NL)
Tel: +31649368334
Fax:+31 847-300-758

Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbers in all correspondence.They are your agent, and responsible for the processing and transfer of your winnings fund to you.YOUR SECURITY FILE NUMBER IS S/23467/C4(keep personal)

Remember,your winning must be claimed not later than (20-8-2007)after this date,funds might be returned to the unclaimed.Furthermore,If there is any change of your address,do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs.Serena Vlutglaan.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Oh dear, I don't think that this scammer has quite got the hang of scamming yet.

He starts off well enough, by telling me that I have won some money in some draw or other.

The trouble is he doesn't go on to say what I should do; the norm being to contact some "claims agent", with my bank details etc.

This scammer will not make much of a dishonest living with this pitiful technique!


Dear Winner,
We are happy to inform you that you have emerged a winner under the First Category, which is part of our promotional draws. The draws are being officially announced on the 30th of November, 2006.You have therefore been awarded a lump sum Euros.(One Million Euros)

Friday, August 03, 2007

How nice, I see that I have won £1M from Microsoft again.

That will come in handy for the weekend!

Microsoft Award Team
20 Craven Park,
London NW10,
United Kingdom.
Ref: BTD/968/07
Batch: 409978E

Dear Winner,

The prestigious Microsoft and aol has set out and sucessfully organised a Sweepstakes marking 2007 anniversary we rolled out over (OneMillion Great British Pounds) for our year Anniversary Draws.

Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of webhosts which we enjoy their patronage. The selection was made through a computer draw system attachingpersonalised email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this, you will regret it later.

Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internetcompanies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the mostwidely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.

Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to Ref#:BTD/968/07 with serial numbers BTD/968/07 and Batch #: 409978E which subsequently won you £1,000,000.00{Great British Pounds} as one of the 10jackpot winners in this draw.

You have therefore won the entire winning sumof £1,000,000.00 (ONE MILLION Great British Pounds).
Mr.Allen Smith
Microsoft Promotion Award Team