Stupid Punts!

Stupid Punts!


Examples of the "Nigerian scam" that flood my email box everyday.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Great I have "won" yet another fake lottery.

This one only offers me non existent "winnings" of less than 500K EUROS.


The email is so full of typing errors that I wonder if the thieving scum bag who wrote it was really even trying.

It seems that the scammers cannot be bothered to make their cons look credible anymore.

REF Nº: EM/802/11483
BATCH Nº:198/449/72986

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the EURO MILLIONES LOTTERY PROGRAM which was held on the 28 OF OCTOBER, 2005. Due to mix up of names, the results were finally released on 12 DECEMBER , 2005.
Your email address is attached to a ticket number 521-954-752-0125 with serial number 211305 drew the lucky numbers 14-36-44-47-50- ESTRELLAS 3-5 which consequently won the lottery in the 2nd category.
You have therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of €-441.556.,00 (Four Hundred & fouty one thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six euros only )in cash credited to the file reference number:EML
ES./440567/57759 .This is from a total cash price of €- Two million Euros only)shared among Five person (5) in this international winners category.

Your winning prize of €-441.556,00 (Four Hundred and Fourty one Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six Euros Only) is now deposited in a suspense account with our paying office and covered with an insurance policy. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that you keep this award away from public notice until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.
All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000:00 names and E-mail addresses from Asia, Australia, NewZealand, Europe and North America as part of our international promotions program which we conduct twice every year. We hope that with part of your prize you will part-take in our next year programme high stake promotions agenda of € Fifty million Euros )
To claim your Prize, you are advice to contact our Claims agent Department of EUROLINK FINANACE & SECURITIES with your Full Name , Home and Office Tel & Fax Number, Mobile Phone Number and also Home & Office Address for the processing of your claims along with your Ref & Batch No and copy of your identity.
Avda, Gran-via 36
28230 Madrid-Spain
E-mail: e
TEL+ 3
Foreign Remittance Manager, claims Department Be informed that before the paying office will effect payment of your winning prize of €441.556,00 (Four Hundred & Fourty one Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six Euros) your winning documents (Award Winning Certificate, Certificate of Deposit,) covering your winning prize must be legalised in the Justice Ministry here in Spain. This is in accordance with the Spanish Lottery Regulations after September 11,2001. For processing and remittance of your prize funds into your designated bank account.
Note: that all prize funds must be claimed not later than 8TH FEBUARY, 2006 After this date all funds will be returned as unclaimed for the next year sweepstake. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please endeavour to quote your reference and batch numbers in every correspondence with us or your claims agent. Furthermore, should there be any change in your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.
Congratulations once again from all members of our staff and thanks for being part of our promotions program.
Best Regards,

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