Another fake lottery scam, this time claiming to come from Sweden.
As with all of these fake lotteries, if you receive a "winning" email; throw it away, it is worthless.
NYGATAN 103 803 22
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
final draws of the Swedish-playtake program,INTERNATIONAL
PROMOTIONS.The online Swedish-playtake program,INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS draws
conducted by a random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list
of 170,031 E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked
by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet.
However, no tickets were sold but all email addresses were assigned to
different ticket numbers for representation and privacy.
After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as
one of twelve winners in the Third category for the second prize with the
following data:
Ref Number: SWE/074OY8/01/SWKY
Batch Number: 06/00/2107
Ticket Number: 018-00741234-057
You as well as the other winners are therefore to receive a cash prize
of 1,000.000 (ONE MILLION EUROS) each from the total payout. Your prize
award has been insured in the European Central Bank with your e-mail
address and will be transferred to you upon meeting the requirements,
statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report.
To begin the claims processing of your prize winnings you are advised
to contact our licensed and accredited Paying bank. for THIRD category
winners with the information below: You are also advised to give the
following informations to the paying Bank via email:-
1. Full name and address:
2. Country:
3. Tel and fax number:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Your Reference and Batch number
Send over to the accredited paying bank Foreing Operation Manager,
MR.Alex Clement SNS Bank
Foreing operation manager
Herengracht 170.Amsterdarm
NOTE: All winnings must be claimed within 10 days from today. After
this date all unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
Remember to quote your reference information in all correspondence with
your claims agent.
You are to keep all lotto information away from the general public
especially your reference and ticket numbers. (This is important as a
of double claims will not be entertained).
NOTE,Members of the affiliate agencies and banks, are automatically not
allowed to
participate in this program.Please be Warned that Fraudulent emails are
circulating that appear to
be using National Lottery addresses, but are not from The National
Lottery. Ensure you are Guided
by the bank effectively on what to do to claim your price.
Congratulations once again from all our staff and we hope you claim
your price immediately.
Sincerely Yours,
International Lottry Co-ordinator.
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